So, had our anatomy ultrasound yesterday and of course told the ultrasound tech we wanted to know the sex of our baby. She went through all the measurements and checked out all the vital organs (baby is right on track) and finally got to the point where we all take a peek to find out if baby is boy or girl. After poking around at baby for a few seconds to get a foot out of the way, we very clearly saw that our Baby E is an Eloise! I would have been equally excited no matter the sex but finding out we are going to be mommy and daddy to a baby girl was just breathtaking. I am already realizing all the ways our lives are going to change just because of the knowledge that we are having a girl. I'm already worried and feeling overprotective! AHH! I love her so much and she's only 9oz. !!!!
I've gained 7.5 lbs so far, and really hoping I'm on track so I don't gain too much weight. I'm not a fan of having to lose weight so I'm really trying to keep it within the 25 or so lbs that is healthy to gain.
So, mom and dad have been a part of all our drs appts so far and they always take us out to breakfast afterwards. This time, after breakfast, we also went shopping for baby girl clothes. It felt so good to actually know which we were looking for and to start planning those things that you generally need to know the sex for.
Kairi is basically lying on the laptop at this point so I'm going to wrap up and let her have my lap.